Assignment #20: It's so Surreal Ideas/#'s 1-2

Part 1
1. What is the difference between real and surreal?
The difference between real and surreal is the way you interpret both ideas. Real is when something exists in real life and everyone can see it. When something is surreal, everyone can have a different interpretation of the photograph, painting, sculpture, etc. but it is so "epic" that they could not imagine doing that piece of art themselves. 
2. What does it mean when, in conversation, someone says, "That's so SURREAL!"? 
That's so surreal means realistic, but more out of this world and usually can be fantasized or seen in Disney movies where the animations or special effects make pieces come to life. 

Part 2

Created By: Picsure Photography
Explanation: This photograph intrigued me because I actually have been interested in doing an eye photograph before and I think this could be an inspiration for my photograph. I was thinking I could do that same type of concept with the trees and switch it out with the city of SF? I am not sure, but this eye picture spoke out to me about where the person could have come from which is city but not much chaos and lots of nature. So if I am inspired to use this photograph to construct my photograph, I would take a picture of my eye and put the city of SF in the top part and where I live which is not to crazy of a city also in the bottom part like the trees in the original photo? 

Created By: Shawn Van Daele
Explanation: This photograph also caught my eye because it is his vision of the world being upside down. I already had visions coming into my head when I saw this photograph and I could consider this one my inspiration such as going to my local park, photographing on a stormy day, or both! I just have to see what the weather is like and what I can do in the period of time I have. 


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